Workforce Development in West Virginia
The West Virginia Department of Economic Development, Office of Broadband (WVDED) is committed to developing the broadband industry workforce to ensure that West Virginia has the talent it needs to meet the State’s ambitious broadband deployment goals.
WVDED is tasked with deploying local and federal broadband funds, including $1.2 billion in federal Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) funding for broadband deployment in West Virginia. BEAD is administered by the National Telecommunication and Information Administration (NTIA).
After first funding affordable, high-speed broadband service to all unserved and underserved locations, as well as eligible Community Anchor Institutions, WVDED will designate funding to empower West Virginia institutions to build or expand training opportunities for West Virginians to enter the broadband industry. WVDED’s Broadband Industry Workforce Grant program will launch in early 2025 and will prioritize projects that are collaboratively developed across education, training and industry partners.
Please see the Workforce Section (Page 94) in the State’s Initial Proposal Volume 2 for a better understanding of the State’s broadband industry workforce, labor statistics and approach to
Workforce Development Grant Program
To grow and strengthen West Virginia’s broadband industry workforce, WVDED is launching its Broadband Industry Workforce Development Grant Program in the spring of 2025. This program is designed to empower education and training institutions to expand broadband industry education and training opportunities for West Virginians.
The grant will provide successful subgrantees with a maximum of $5 million per award. Designed with input of the Workforce Council and stakeholders, the grant is tailored to meet the evolving industry needs.
Learn more about the Workforce Development Grant Program by reading the Notice of Funding, or the “Program Procedures.”
Program ProceduresApplicant Resources
WVDED has developed resources to support interested organizations as they plan applications. Upcoming materials will be linked here when available.
Applicant ResourcesData Resources
Wrap-Around services guide
Have Questions About BEAD Workforce Funding?
Frequently Asked QuestionsWV Office of Broadband will regularly update this FAQ resource, to add a new question please access our Question Submission below, or email for more information.
BEAD Workforce Question Submission FormConsult the West Virginia Grant Resource Centers
The West Virginia Grant Resource Centers assist eligible applicants for programs throughout all 55 counties in West Virginia to develop proposals and support grant writing. WVDED encourages eligible applicants to utilize the Grant Resource Centers to support development of competitive applications.
Workforce Council
WVDED and its partners collaborate across the talent pipeline to ensure employers have the workers they need. West Virginia’s Broadband Workforce Council meets quarterly to discuss the workforce landscape, identify emerging needs, and provide guidance for the State’s workforce development planning and implementation. Council members include representatives from the following:
- WV Community and Technical College System
- Higher Education Policy Commission
- WV Department of Education
- WV Broadband Enhancement Council
- Governor’s Office of Workforce Resiliency
- WorkForce West Virginia
- Generation West Virginia
- WV Veterans Assistance
- Federal Partners
- Industry Partners
- Herbert Henderson Office of Minority Affairs
- Regional Planning and Development Councils
- Local Governments
- Trade Associations, and
- Organized Labor
WVDED Workforce Contact: Luke Peters,