West Virginia Unserved, Underserved, Served, and CAI Location CSV Files

CSVs containing unserved, underserved, served, and CAI location IDs are available for download on this page. Only location IDs are available. Entities eligible to participate in the BEAD Challenge Process are encouraged to request either a Tier D or Tier E license from CostQuest.

In the CAI CSV, coordinates and address information has been removed for records containing Location IDs. Coordinates are made available for locations that are not derived from the CostQuest fabric. Locations not derived from the Fabric have a LocationID value as “0.”

WV Unserved Locations CSV file is available below:
WV Underserved Locations CSV file is available below:
WV Served Locations CSV file is available below:
WV CAI Locations CSV file is available below: