The West Virginia Broadband Enhancement Council recommends the following links as resources to learn more about broadband and various opportunities to acquire broadband services in underserved and unserved areas of West Virginia.
Microsoft unveils plan to bring broadband internet to rural U.S: 12 states targeted
The Goodwill Community Foundation provides free online resources for users to gain an easier understanding of technology, whether it is computers, computer programs, email, Internet usage, or other related topics.
Learn more about these technology essentials through lesson plans, videos and interactive games.
Broadband USA online guides
Resources: BroadbandUSA provides expert, impartial advice and field-proven tools for assessing broadband adoption, planning new infrastructure, and engaging a wide range of partners in broadband projects.
Broadband USA Connectivity Assessment Tool (BCAT): BroadbandUSA is engaging community, corporate and civic leaders to develop and finalize a set of connectivity indicators, create a strategic online self-assessment, and expand resources that support and accelerate local broadband planning efforts.
“The Power of Broadband Partnership: A Toolkit for Local and Tribal Governments.” This toolkit created by BroadbandUSA provides an overview of common broadband partnership models and identifies several factors that communities should consider when developing a successful partnership.