Grant Funding Opportunities Remain Available
Federal grant funding opportunities for broadband development remain available for West Virginia communities.
The Rural Utility Services (RUS), an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development office, will accept broadband development applications through its Community Connect Grant Program until May 14. Grants from $100,000 to $3 million are available to state and local governments, federally-recognized tribes, nonprofits and for-profit corporations. Applicants must provide a 15 percent match. For more information, visit the Community Connect website.
In addition, the USDA will accept applications for Rural Broadband Access Loans and Loan Guarantees on a rolling basis through September 30, 2018. Applications will be reviewed and processed every 90 days.
Those interested are encouraged to submit applications as soon as possible, especially for smaller projects. Applications must be submitted through the RD Apply web portal.
The Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) is sponsoring a POWER initiative is designed to assist areas affected by job losses in the coal industry. ARC POWER places a high priority on broadband development projects. Eligible applicants include states, counties, cities, as well as institutions of higher education, and nonprofit organizations.
ARC will accept applications through May 1. Click here for more information.
The West Virginia Development Office (WVDO) is accepting project applications for $3.2 million in grant funding as part of the West Virginia ARC Broadband Initiative through the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC).
The goal is to provide funding for the deployment of broadband that will increase economic and business development or provide service to unserved and underserved customers and is limited to ARC-designated distressed counties in West Virginia that Clay, Lincoln, McDowell, Mingo, and Webster.
Applications must be postmarked or delivered to the West Virginia Development Office on or before April 30, 2018. For a complete list of requirements and instructions, please contact the West Virginia Broadband Council at 304-957-2043 or WVBroadbandCouncil@wv.gov.